by Molly Apple

Photography: Corrina Day // Styling: Orreta Corbelli // Styling Assistant: Barbara Marcucci // Hair: Darine Sengseevong with The Wall Group // Makeup: Marla Vazquez with The Wall Group // Production: Molly Apple with MERDE Agency // Location: Stone Studio // Powered by: Kiki World

Marta speaks to MERDE Agency founder and producer Molly Apple about her upcoming acting and producing project, empowering oneself through a breakup, and doubling down on her passions.

What brought you to New York City this summer?

I am shooting a movie here. I can’t really talk about it yet, but I am so beyond excited as it’s going to be my very first time playing a lead role in a feature film. I am very, very happy with our cast, so I just can’t wait for it to come out!

Reflecting on your preparation for this project – from acting courses to casting and building a team – what is a main takeaway you felt when it comes to your personal growth?

I have been working on this character for months now. I love that I had so much time to really play with it before shooting, which rarely happens in the movie industry. I worked with Zach Shields on my character and he’s truly unbelievable. 

It felt like I grew with my character and learned from her throughout this entire process. It’s crazy to say I’m going to miss her and miss it when we’re done filming. That’s a very special feeling I’ll carry with me.

What excites you most about filming this project?

I love my character’s relationship with the lead actor in the movie. I feel like it’s going to be very unexpected, and I’m super curious to see what reaction we will get from the audience and how it’s going to be received in general. It’s fun to believe in a project and work on it so hard to then see it come to life. It feels like creation at its finest. It’s like giving birth, metaphorically.

How are you doing mentally after leaving your dog babies with your best friend in LA? I know they are a big mental support system for you.

I realized how much they mean to me even more so now that I’ve been away from them for over a month. They’re my life and soul in every way and I couldn’t love them more. They also help me with anxiety and stress and they’re just like the best part of my day. While here in NYC I was actually trying to foster a dog but it just didn’t work out. The place I’m staying at is too small and dogs aren’t permitted on set. But I swear, I can’t wait to hug my babies.

What is one piece of advice you can give to those going through a breakup?

You know, I feel like the biggest thing for me is the work I do on myself to make sure I stay strong and ready for whatever life throws at me – from a breakup to work or family drama. 

If you’re truly solid from within, things won’t shake you as much because you’ll focus on your self worth and mental health and prioritize that.

Do you feel connected to your character in the film? Are you similar?

I do in a funny way because I feel like I used to be her like 10 years ago, and so I have a lot of compassion and understanding for what she’s going through. It’s almost like I’m guiding her out of her toxic situation and it’s helping me understand what I was through years ago and why I couldn’t make different choices at that time. It’s definitely all very meta in a beautiful way.

Now that filming has started, can you give us any tidbits of tea? When can we expect to watch your performance?

I can’t really say much until the cast announcement comes out, but it shouldn’t be too far away and the movie will definitely be out in 2025! I truly truly cannot wait!